Friday, August 30, 2019

How did the Romans Build their Empire?

Roman Engineering

1.The Romans invented new materials and technologies used for building. Complete the I see/know/wonder/observe statements for each image on the chart.
2. View and take notes on the short video below.
3. Complete the Quickwrite.

The Baths of Caracalla

Go to The Baths of Caracalla  NOVA site to take a virtual tour of the most magnificent of all the Roman baths. As you "stroll" through the baths, record four facts on each stage of your experience. Try to pick the most interesting and important facts to share with your group.

Red: Toilets
Blue: Palaestra
Green: Caldarium and Frigidarium
Yellow: Food and Drink 

Historical Fiction:
4. Historical fiction is an imagined, fictional story that includes true details about history. You will use your notes to complete a Historical Fiction Quickwrite on your day at the Baths of Caracalla. Be sure to use sensory details to bring the setting to life for your reader.

Your note-taking chart and Quickwrite can be found in your Social Studies folder.
The Public Baths
Quickwrite: My Day at the Baths

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