Monday, September 30, 2019

What's so Great about Charles the Great?

Charlemagne:  The King of Hearts
Charles the Great (English)/Charlemagne (French)
The Rule of Charles the Great

1.  What makes a great leader? 

a.  As you view the video, take notes with  "Charles the Great: Notes" in your Social Studies folder.

b.  Read the assigned pages in your book.  Add to your notes. Show corroborated evidence with a  + .

c.  Share your notes verbally with a partner.  Using a different color, add new evidence from your partner.

d.  Complete the "Evaluation of Charlemagne" using a scale of one to five.  Be sure to give reasons and evidence for your rating.

Medieval Europe:  Coat of Arms

The Purpose of a Coat of Arms: Few people in medieval Europe were literate, so they identified themselves, their castles, horses, etc. with family crests.  Instead of written words, the crests used symbols which stood for the family name, values, and even one's position in the family.
If you have a surname of European origin, chances are you have a crest or a coat of arms, also known as a family shield. Here is one of many Rainey family shields found through research.
The images, colors, and patterns on the shield all have symbolic meaning.

Your Family Crest: Research your coat of arms and its meaning. If you cannot find a coat of arms for your surname, try researching another surname from your family, or even your first name.   Prepare one slide about your family shield for a whole class slide-show presentation.  

Period Two Slides
Period Four Slides

Your slide should include an image of the shield, as well as three to four bullet points explaining the symbolism. To find information on symbolism, go here.

Be sure to follow proper etiquette  for collaborating on a shared document.